About Us

Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute at University of California, Merced


The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute (CITRIS) is a research unit at the University of California, Merced and one of the four CITRIS campuses: UC Merced, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC Santa Cruz. CITRIS develops synergistic partnerships with academic institutions and corporate collaborators worldwide to collectively produce innovative solutions to shape the future of technology in ways that cross traditional boundaries.

CITRIS is a California Institute for Science and Innovation (ISI), established by Governor Gray Davis in 2001. As an ISI, CITRIS’ mission is to address large-scale societal problems through interdisciplinary research and new market applications. We strengthen bridges between world-class laboratory research, state and national policymakers, and companies and startups creating new applications and reshaping entire industries.

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CITRIS at UC Merced addresses California's most pressing societal and environmental problems by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and developing novel research in the focus areas of ag-food-tech, health, aviation, and remote sensing. We facilitate interdisciplinary work among University of California faculty members, students, corporate partners, and international institutions. To equip the future workforce with skills and knowledge and inspire the next generation of innovators, we lead impactful outreach and education programs for all ages.

Annual Reports


UC Merced, located in the San Joaquin Valley of California, is the youngest campus of the University of California system, established in 2005. Known for its commitment to sustainability and innovative research, UC Merced is the first twenty-first century American research university. UC Merced has exceeded all expectations: reaching R2 status faster than any other campus, achieving carbon neutrality through investment in sustainability in every facet of life, and rapidly growing to educate over 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students.

By being a member of the San Joaquin Valley community and serving as a hub of innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship in the heart of the state of California, UC Merced strives to deliver solutions to local and global problems.

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